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Male, 48 Years

Yuri K.

Male, 48 Years

Almería, Spain

Master class in Woodworking and Gilding


I have been teaching individuals for over 25 years, different ages, different backgrounds and different professions. I will help and guide you to find your own experience and knowl... Read more

Teaching methodology

Finding a unique way of communication to the individual to be able him/her to see and to find the way that suits both. Traditional methods and techniques via practical exercises an... Read more

  • €35

    Hourly rate
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Educational Qualification

Master degree


  • United Kingdom
  • 2002

Learning Materials

PPT Slides

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Questions for You

Q: What age range of students do you usually work with?

Between 18 - 70.

Q: How do you approach lesson planning and preparation?

Depends on the student availabily, requirements and experience.

Q: How do you measure progress and assess learning outcomes for your students?

I don't, my students do.

Q: Do you provide regular homework and assignments, and how do you review and provide feedback on student work?

Depending on student possibilities and time they have.

Q: What technology or resources do you use to enhance your lessons, particularly for online sessions?

No online sessions. This is practical experience clases.

Q: Do you provide any additional support outside of scheduled lesson times, such as answering questions via email or phone?

Sure, of course, communication is the key!

Q: Do you have any specific strategies for motivating students who may be struggling or disengaged with the subject material?

Strategy is formed depending on the student personality and individual characteristics.

Q: Do you have experience working with students with learning differences or special needs?

Yes I do, but woodworking is an activity with handling very sharp and dangerous objects, so students with learning differences and special needs are not advisable to undertake these lessons for their own safety.

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